The genetic innovation of corn hybrids.

Dekalb, a brand of the Bayer group, selects and offers corn hybrids: the results of constant genetic research. Since 2020, CANENERO has been supporting Dekalb in brand implementation, taking care of their website and Facebook page in particular.


To refine and enrich the perception of the brand on the main digital touchpoints, going beyond just the technical aspect of content to give space also to values, mission and technological innovation.


In line with the global brand guidelines, we have designed and developed a content strategy aimed at encouraging interaction and engagement of the target audience, through strengthening communication on social profiles.


Brand Implementation
Content Strategy
Social Media
Digital Campaign
Website Optimization

The Brand

A brand with over a century of history

Dekalb was born in Illinois in 1912 and arrived in Italy in 1963 with the first corn hybrids with notable performances. With its acquisition by Bayer in 2018, the brand became part of a multinational with key skills in life science, health, and plant protection.

CANENERO contributed to reshaping the brand within the Bayer brand architecture, particularly on the digital touchpoints of the Dekalb website and its Facebook page.

Content Strategy

People and their experiences

The content strategy that we studied and structured for Dekalb wanted to focus entirely on people: farmers and anyone who contributes to the agricultural supply chain.

Our basis was five pillars, i.e. the thematic groups that bring together all the topics of the editorial plan. This framework allowed us to organize contents in a coherent and targeted way and guided us in creating valuable materials for the audience we target.


  • Performance Analysis
  • Target Identification
  • Voice Pillars
  • Definition of editorial plan
  • Verbal Guidelines

The Community

The ground that makes conversations, stories, and bonds grow.

Together with Dekalb we have chosen to give voice and visibility to those who work in the field, the farmers, offering them a place to share stories and experiences, and to cultivate knowledge and create new networks.

By following the corn cycle with them, live and throughout Italy, we were able to collect and share many testimonies. Common passion, emotions and memories have created a deep bond with a company capable of coming into direct contact with people, creating authentic connections.


  • Visual Language
  • Content Development
  • Art Direction
  • Community Management
  • Social Advertising

Website Optimization optimization that enhances the experience


CANENERO's intervention on the Dekalb site focused on optimizing the user experience, to make navigation easier, more fluid and more intuitive.

Using a multidisciplinary team, we analyzed the existing platform and identified strengths and room for improvement, in terms of user experience and technology.
This has allowed us to carry out a series of interventions aimed at ensuring more efficient navigation, better usability of content, and a reliable technological response.


  • User Experience analysis
  • Information architecture design
  • User interface design
  • Layout implementation

The results

“Choose those who always follow you”

The careful mix of targeted content and advertising campaigns has contributed to achieving important awareness objectives such as increasing visibility, improving engagement, and increasing traffic to the official Dekalb website.


The result: the Facebook page has become a fundamental communication touchpoint for the brand, which has been able to consolidate its reputation thanks to a solid and participatory relationship with its community.


We are very satisfied with the results obtained on the Facebook page: a modern communication channel to update corn farmers and others on our integrated offer with Dekalb genetics, Crop Protection and Digital with Field View. The channel has also become strategic for enhancing activities within the Media Mix.

Veronica Venuti
Marketing Communication Specialist at Bayer Crop Science