Design Terrae.
The rediscovery and enhancement of a territory through Design.

We have given voice to a foundation that promotes the "beautiful, good and well done" and those who contribute to their evolution.


To position and communicate a passionate "cultural mission" dedicated to the territory, to new generations, and to the world of design.


Through a process of sharing with the customer, we developed and gave life to the brand narrative, took care of the digital presence, and communicated the nature and objectives of Design Terrae.


Brand Building
Brand Strategy
Brand Governance
Web Development
Social assets

Design Terrae

The Foundation

Territories, cultural deposits, generations, connections.

The Design Terrae Foundation is a hub, catalyst, and connector of values, projects and people, open to innovation and young people. Its mission is to promote, develop and coordinate operations and initiatives related to the world of design and to build an ethical and sustainable future, starting from the legacy of the past and the territory of the west area of the province of Macerata.

Brand Building

The lexical register, the true asset of the brand

The task of curating a project of such wide wingspan and such significant cultural and social value pushed us to embark on a path of co-creation, exploring other communicative territories.

We have therefore committed ourselves to researching and building an appropriate lexical register, the key element underlying brand communication. To do this we were inspired by three fundamental principles: Locus, Kalòs and Humanitas.

Design Terrae

The place is our base ground. The physical space where beauty and well-made things are expressed; the scene in which everything happens and will happen.

Design Terrae

Beauty is inspiration and of real value thanks to which society and humanity can evolve. The internal search for harmony and beauty distances us from the most brutal and bestial instincts, raising our moral figure.

Design Terrae

Giving beauty is an act of humanitas, which enriches society, connecting it back to culture. It is a principle that founds "neo-humanism" which places man at the center.

Design Terrae

Once these basic values were defined we tried to merge them into a brand tagline. The objective was to evoke a fertile territory, rich in natural wonders and extraordinary works of human ingenuity.


  • Strategic Workshops
  • Brand Tagline
  • Mission Statement

Brand implementation

Design & Digital language

Respecting the original logo, designed by the Design for Craft studio, we have developed a visual language aimed at enhancing brand communication on digital touchpoints.

In particular, all the assets necessary to support and make the foundation autonomous in publishing content on its social networks have been implemented.


  • Digital Visual Language
  • Design System
  • Social Assets
Design Terrae


Represent, promote, tell.

The Design Terrae website was designed and developed to communicate the foundation's commitment and make its impact on the territory visible, through the promotion of events and the sharing of experiences and projects carried out.

The architecture of the contents and thematic areas has been designed to offer clear and intuitive navigation and facilitate access to information. The soul of the site lies in the exciting story of the vision of the foundation, the common thread that embraces all the elements.


  • Information architecture definition
  • User Interface (UI) design
  • Content integration
  • Website Development
Design Terrae

“The Third Sector also needs adequate marketing and communication skills. CANENERO immediately understood our mission, listened to us, advised us and supported us in the best way. Thanks to their team we know we always have a solution suitable for every project and need.
After more than 3 years we can say that we are very satisfied with the path we have taken together and, for the future, we know we can count on a true partner of our Foundation.”

Carlo De Mattia
Design Terrae Foundation President

Credits: videomaker Luca Giustozzi, foto Giorgia Vlasich, Michele Mobili

Design Terrae